IC Sieger,Keulen 1998 -BOB-and BIS-Sieger Berlin and BOB
1999-Zeuthen BOB and BIS-1999--Sieger Baden Wurtenburg 1999--Sieger Mlada Boleslav-
Best Male -Show Dog -Pejatoyspa Belgium 1999.and 2000 |
Award winner Dutch Club "Best Red Japan Chin
"-1997 , 2000 and 2001

Visiter Award
winner Dutch Club 1999 and 2000
VDH Europe Sieger
2001 and BOB
Sieger Tulln-2001 and BOB
Year Winner
German Club 2001 and BOB
Sieger 2001- * Did win it for the fifth time*
Amsterdam 2001-and BOB.
***** Dutch Veteran Champion German
Veteran Champion VDH Veteran Champion**** |