Show Results 2006.

Hoogstraten Belgian


judge.Knezevic Jasminka


Valerma Utsikushii 1Excelent CAC CAC IB. Best Male

Randalets Shogun of Chasse 1 Excelent res.CAC res.CACIB.

Emmanuelle von Reifra 1 Excelent CAC CAC IB Best Bitch and BOB.



judge M.Steinbacher


Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-   1 Excelent res CAC

Emmanuelle von Reifra            1 Exclent CAC CAC IB Best Bitch and BOB.

Chin in Wonderland Elf Belle    1 Excelent res.CAC

Recklinghouse Germany


Judge E. Deutscher-Austria.

Casanova von Reifra 1 Excelent CAC Best male and BOB.

Randalets Shogun of Chasse 1 Excelent CAC and now IC Sieger.

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-1 Excelent junior CAC.

Emmanuelle von Reifra 1Excelent CAC Best Bitch.

Jade Juwel von Reifra.2 Junior Excelent.

Recklinghouse Germany


Judge.G.Kuhni- Stenberg.CH.

Casanova von Reifra 1 Excelent CAC Best male and BOB.

Randalets Shogun of Chasse 1 Excelent CAC

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-1 Excelent junior CAC.

Emmanuelle von Reifra 1 Very Good.

Jade Juwel von Reifra.2 Junior Excelent.

Goes Netherlands.

19-3-2006.-Judge Boelaars.NL.

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-   1 Excelent

Chin in Wonderland Elf Belle    1 Very Good.

Luxemburg 26-2-2006

judge Batta Tabo-I.

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-   2 Excelent

Randalets Shogun of Chasse 1 Excelent CACL

Casanova von Reifra 1 Excelent CACL- res. CACIB-Luxembourg Champion.

Jade Juwel von Reifra 1 Excelent Junior CACL- Luxembourgs Junior Champion

Emmanuelle von Reifra  1   Exclent CACL CAC IB Best Bitch

Berlin Germany 1-4-2006

judge I.Hess.Germany

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-   1 Excelent Junior CAC German Junior Champion-

Berlin Jugend Sieger 2006-

Randalets Shogun of Chasse 2 Excelent res.CAC.

Casanova von Reifra 1 Excelent CAC- res. CACIB

Jade Juwel von Reifra.2 Junior Excelent

Emmanuelle von Reifra  1   Exclent CAC res.IB.

Antwerpen Belgian 9-4-2006.

judge C.Rossier .CH.

Valerma Utsikushii 1Very Good

Chatmo. 1 Exclent CAC CACIB.Best Male and BOB.

Princess Yana von Reifrar CAC CACIB Best  Bitch.--*Belgian Champion*

Wilsdruff -Germany 15-4-2006

judge Boelaars.NL.

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-1 Excelent junior CAC Best Male.

Randalets Shogun of Chasse 2Excelent res.CAC.

Chin in Wonderland Elf Belle 2 Very Good

Emmanuelle von Reifra 2 Excelent res.CAC.

Wilsdruff -Germany 16-4-2006


Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-1 Excelent junior CAC Best Male.and BOB.

Randalets Shogun of Chasse 1Excelent CAC.

Chin in Wonderland Elf Belle 2 Excelent.

Emmanuelle von Reifra  1Excelent CAC.Best Bitch.


17-4-2006 Clerc.CH.

Chatmo.1 Excelent res CAC and res.CACIB.*Dutch Champion*

Casanova von Reifra 1 Excelent

Jade Juwel von Reifra 1 Excelent CAC.Best Bitch.

Dortmond  Germany

7-5-2006 Clerc.CH.


Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-1 Excelent junior CAC VDH-EUROPE JUGENDSIEGER-2006

Casanova von Reifra 2Excelent res.CAC." one point"/*VDH Champion*

Red Magic von Reifra Best Veteran.

Jade Juwel von Reifra 2 Very Good.

Emmanuelle von Reifra  2 Excelent res.CAC."one point".

Austria Speciality



judge Anne-Marie Haugsten(N)

Kamp.Milargo von Reifra.1 Excelent CAC .Best Male and BOB. and Club Jahres Sieger 2006*Austria Champion*.

Casanova von Reifra  1 Excelent CAC

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-1 Excelent junior CAC Jugend Jahres Sieger 2006

Kamp.Princess Tatiana von Reifra 1 Excelent CAC Best Bitch. and Club Jahres Sieger 2006*Austria Champion*.


Austria Salzburg


judge M.Steinbacher-Austria.

Kamp.Milargo von Reifra.1 Excelent CAC IB.Best Male and BOB

Casanova von Reifra  1 Excelent CAC res.IB and now *International Ch*.

Kamp.Princess Tatiana von Reifra 1 Excelent CACIB- Best Bitch.

Giessen Germany 20-5-2006

judge H.Assenmacher.-Feyel-Germany

Casanova von Reifra  1 Excelent CAC-CACIB. Best Male and BOB.

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-1 Excelent junior CAC Best junior.

Chin in Wonderland Elf Belle 1 Excelent junior CAC..

Neumunster Germany 27-5-2006

judge Raiko Rotner Slo


Casanova von Reifra  1 Excelent CAC res.IB *German Ch.*

Jade Juwel von Reifra 2 Very Good.

Chin in Wonderland Elf Belle 1 Excelent junior CAC..

Lommel Belgian 11-6-2006

judge M.v.Brempt. Belgian.

Casanova von Reifra 1 Excelent res.CAC.

Jade Juwel von Reifra 2 Very Good.

Koper Kroatie. 17-6-2006

judge Manola Pogessi.Ital.

Ch.Django Outlaw von Reifra 1 Excelent  CAC

Ch.Casanova von Reifra 2 Excelent res.CAC

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-1 Excelent CAC

Ch.Princess Yana von Reifra CAC CACIB Best  Bitch.

Slovenie 18-6-2006

judge Kristen Scheel... Den.

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-1 Excelent CAC res.IB.

Ch.Casanova von Reifra 2 Very Good

Ch.Django Outlaw von Reifra 1 Excelent  CAC

Ch.Princess Yana von Reifra Very Good.

Brussel Belgian 24-6-2006

judge A.MTarjan. Hongarije..

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio-1 Excelent Junior CAC Belgian Junior Winner 2006

Ch.Shannon Classicwon 1 Excelent CAC CACIB.Best Bitch. Belgian Winster 2006

Pejatoyspa -Belgian-   2-2-2006

judge Chantal Mery -Fr.

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio 2 Excelent

Ch.Casanova von Reifra 1 Excelent

Ch.Shannon Classicwon 1 Excelent CAC Best Bitch.

Shifflange Luxembourg 16-7-2006

judge.Larissa Postolova. -Russia.

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio 1 Excelent CAC Best Male and BOB.

Randalets Shogun of Chasse 1Excelent CAC-*Luxembourg Champion*.

Ch.Shannon Classicwon  1Excelent.---Best Bitch.

Chin in Wonderland Elf Belle Very Good.

Luik Belgian.23-7-2006

judge M.I.Csik--Hongarye.

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio 2 Excelent

Ch.Chatmo 1 Excelent CAC CAC IB Best Male and BOB

Ch.Shannon Classicwon 1 Excelent CAC  CAC IB.Best Bitch.

Haan Gruiten 12-8-2006

Germany judge:M.Forte-Ierland.

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio 1 Very Good

Ch.Shannon Classicwon -----Best Bitch.

Ch.Milargo von Reifra 1 Excelent CAC Best Male BOB.

Best in Show..!!!!

Haan Gruiten 13-8-2006

Germany judge I.Hess-Germany

Chin in Wonderland Etoshio 1Excelent CAC

Ch.Milargo von Reifra 1 Excelent CAC Best Male BOB.

*Landes Sieger Nordrhein-Westfalen*.

Ch.Shannon Classicwon Very Good.

Mechelen 19-8-2006

Belgian judge P.Buurma.. NL

Ch.Casanova von Reifra  1 Excelent CAC CACIB Best Male

*Belgian Champion*

Ch.Shannon Classicwon 1 Excelent CAC  CAC IB.Best Bitch.BOB