Show Results of Randalets Kaika Nippon
Show Results of
Champion Randalets Kaika Nippon.
please scroll down.
**Kaika went highest Ranked Chin of Pejatoyspa Belgian 2009**and
also of the Dutch Pekingees and Dwergspaniel Club.. of the Netherlands. 2009!!
- 13 september 2008-Leipzig Germany 1 Very Good
-Junior CAC.
- 14 september 2008 Leipzig Germany 1 Excelent Junior
CAC and..Leipzig Jugend Sieger 2008
- 20 september 2008 Recklinghausen Germany 1
Excelent Junior CAC
- 21 september 2008 Recklinghausen Germany
1Excelent Junior CAC now German Junior Club
- 27 september 2008 Maastricht Netherlands.
1 Excelent Junior CAC
- 3 oktober 2008 JKC. 1 Excelent Junior CAC Best
- 4 oktober 2008 Aziatische Club 1 Excelent
Junior CAC Best Junior. and
Junior in Show.!

- 5 oktober 2008 Europa Show 2008 1
Excelent Junior CAC Europe Jugend Champ.2008
Hungarye Junior Champion 2008
- 12 oktober Dutch Speciality 1 Excelent Junior
- 17 oktober 2008 National Show Dortmund 1 Very Good
-Junior CAC. VDH Junior Champion
- 18 oktober 2008 Bundes Sieger Dortmund. 1 Excelent
Junior CAC Best Male Best of Breed.
and..Bundes Jugend Sieger 2008
- 26 oktober 2008 Utrecht Netherlands.
1 Excelent Junior CAC+ CAC Best Male
Dutch Junior Champion. *
- 2 november 2008 Bleiswijk
Netherlands. 1 Excelent Junior CAC +CAC Best Male
Best of Breed.
- 16 november 2008 German Year Speciality- Germany
NRW. 1 Excelent Junior CAC Jahres Jugend Sieger
- 29 november 2008 Winner Amsterdam
1 Excelent Junior CAC +CAC Best Male
Best of Breed.
Jeugd Winner en Winner 2008
**Crufts Qualification
- 6 december 2008 Kassel National
Show.1 Excelent Junior CAC
- 7 december 2008 Kassel Internat.
Show.1 Excelent Junior CAC
- 13 december 2008
1 Excelent Junior CAC Best
Male and Best of Breed.

- 14 december 2008 Langerwehe Germany
1 Excelent Junior CAC Best
Male and Best of Breed
Best Junior in Show and second best in show
- 21 december 2008 Wijchen. 1 Exclent
Junior CAC res.CAC..

- 25 Januari 2009 Moeskroen. 1
Excelent Best Junior and Best of Breed.
- 8 Februari 2009 Eindhoven 1
Excelent Junior CAC and CAC Best Junior and Best
of Breed
- 15 februari 2009 STG Zutphen 1 Excelent Junior CAC and CAC Best Junior and
of Breed** Best Spaniel.
- Starting in between class*******14-march
2009 Offenburg Germany. 1Excelent CAC CACIB. Best Male
Best of Breed Ortenau
Sieger 2009
- 21 March 2009 Wieze Belgium 1
Exclent CAC Best male and Best of Breed.
- 29 March 2009 Luxembourg 1 Excelent
CAC-CACIB Best male and Best of Breed.**Crufts
- 5 april 2009 Antwerpen 1 Excelent
CAC-CACIB Best male and Best of Breed.
- 25 april 2009 Goes.Netherlands. 1 Excelent
CAC-CACIB Best male and
Best of Breed.*
- 3 mei 2009 Dortmund Europe Sieger
Show Germany. 1 Excelent CAC res.IB.
- 9 mei 2009 Alkmaar.Netherlands. 1 Excelent
CAC-Best male and Best of Breed.*
- 16 mei 13 Landes Sieger Schau der
Landesgruppe Brandenburg Sud. 1 Excelent
CAC-Best male and Best of Breed.*Landes
Sieger Brandenburg. 2009*.
- 30 mei Arnhem Netherlands. 1 Excelent
CAC-Best male
Best of Breed.*
- 6 juni Portoroz Slovenie
1 Excelent CAC res IB.
- 7 juni Portoroz Slovenie
1 Exceletn CAC.
- 12 juni OSS Netherlands. 1 Excelent
CAC-CACIB -Best male
Best of Breed.*
- 13 jini Erfurt Germany
1 Excelent
CAC--Best male
Best of Breed.
- 14
juni Erfurt Germany
1 Excelent
CAC-CACIB -Best male
Best of Breed.*Landes
Sieger Thuringen 2009*

- 28 juni Genk.IB. Belgium
1 Excelent
CAC-CACIB Best male and Best of Breed.
- 5-juli Echt.Netherlands.1 Excelent
CACCACIB-Best male and Best of Breed*Second
placement in FCI Group 9.(Toy Group)*****
- 19 juli
Pejatoyspa Club specialtiy Belgiun.
1Excelent CAC Best male and Best of Breed.
Second Best in Show.!
- 24 juli Liege.(B) Golden Dog Trophy
1Excelent CAC CACIB Best male and Best
of Breed.*Second
placement in FCI Group 9.(Toy Group)****
- 25juli Weijerbusch Germany
1Excelent CAC .
- 21August Wels Austria 1Excelent CAC CACIB Best male and
of Breed
- 22 August Wels Austria 1Excelent CAC CACIB Best male and
of Breed Middle East European Winner Wels.2009
- 23 August Wels Austria 1
Excelent CAC res.IB.
- 30 August Rotterdam 1Exclent res.CAC
res IB.
- 5 September. Luxembourg 1 Excelent
CAC res IB. Luxembourg Champion!
- 12 September
Intenat. Show Leipzig 1 Excelent CAC res.IB
- 13 September
Nat Show Leipzig 1Excelent CAC Best Male and Best
of Breed
- 20 September Dutch Speciality
Pekingees en Dwergspaniel Kampioens Clubmatch 2009-1Excelent CAC Best Male and Best
of Breed BEST IN SHOW!!!

- 26 September Celje. Slovenie
1 Excelent CAC CACIB Best of Breed
- 27 September Celje Slovenie
1Excelent CAC CACIB Best of Breed.
- 4 Oktober German Speciality
1Excelent CAC
- 11 Oktober Worldshow Bratislava
1Excelent CAC
- 16 Oktober Bundes Sieger Dortmund.
1 Excelent CAC res.IB
- 17 Oktober
National Show Dortmund 1 Excelent CAC Best of Breed
- 7Starting
in Champion class.****-11-2009 Bleiswijk 1 Excelent CAC
CACIB Best Male
- 14-11-2009
Kortrijk 1 Excelent res.CAC res CACIB.
- 22-11-2009
Lohmar Germany 1 Excelent CAC Best of Breed----BEST IN SHOW!!!

- 28-11-2009 Winner Amsterdam 1
Excelent CAC Best Male
Best of Breed.
Winner 2009-
**Crufts Qualification
- 5-12-2009 Kassel Nat Germany
1Excelent CAC Best of Breed.
- 6-12-2009 Kassel Internat. . Germany
1Excelent CAC CACIB Best of Breed.
Hessen Sieger 2009
- 13-12-2009 Brussel Belgian.1Excelent CAC CACIB
Best of Breed.---
Belgian Winner 2009
**Crufts Qualification
- 10-1-2010 Hoogstraten Belgian 1Excelent CAC CACIB
Best of Breed.-
- 14-2-2010 Genk Belgian 1Excelent CAC Best of Breed.-
- 28-2-2010 Gent Belgian
1Excelent CAC CACIB
Best of Breed
- 21-3-2010 Leiden NL.
1Excelent CAC CACIB
Best of Breed***Dutch
Champion *****International on Demand.
- 3-4-2010 Wilsdruf
1Excelent CAC
**German and VDH Champion****
- 4-4-2010 Wilsdruf Germany
1Excelent CAC Best of Breed.
- 11-4-2010 Dresden 1Excelent CAC CACIB
Best of Breed
- 18-4-2010 Goes NL. 1 Excelent res
CAC res.IB.
- 2-5-2010 Brabo Winner Antwerpen 1
Excelent CAC CACIB Best of Breed
Brabo Winner 2010
***Belgian Champion***
- 8-5-2010 VDH Europa Sieger
Dortmund 1Excelent CAC CACIB
Best of Breed VDH
Europe Sieger 2010.
- 9-5-2010 National Show Dortmund
1Excelent CAC Best of Breed
- 6-6-2010 Baronie Tilburg
1Excelent CAC CACIB
Best of Breed ****sevent
placement in FCI Group 9.(Toy Group)****
- 12-6-2010 National Erfurt
1Excelent CAC
- 13-6-2010 Internat.Erfurt
1Excelent CAC CACIB
Best of Breed
- 20-6-2010 Uden 1 Excelent res
CAC res.IB.
- 4-7-2010 Internat.Genk
Belgian.1Excelent CAC CACIB
Best of Breed
- 18-7-2010 Pejatoyspa Speciality
Belgian 1Excelent CAC Best Male
Best of Breed Third
place in Show.
- 25-7-2010 Luik Belgian 1 Excelent
- 21-8-2010 Leipzig GermanyNational Show.I Excelent CAC
Best Male Best of Breed.
- 22-8-2010 Leipzig Germany
National Show. Excelent CAC-CACIB
Best Male Best of Breed.Leipzig
Sieger 2010
- 29-8-210 Rotterdam Nl. 1 Excelent res
CAC res.IB.
- 19-9-2010 Kirchheim/Hessen
Germany 1 Excelent CAC Best Male
German Speciality Year Winner 2010
- 3-10-2010 Euro dogshow 2010
Celje Slovenian 2 Excelent RES CAC Vice European Winner 2010
- 15-10-2010 Bundes Sieger Dortmund
2 Exclent res. CAC
- 30-10-2010 Leeuven 1Excelent
Best of Breed
- 20-11-2010 Kortrijk 2
Excelent res CAC res.CACIB
- 27-11-2010 Winner AMSTERDAM CAC
CACIB Best Male Winner Amsterdam 2010
(third time winner)Crufts
- 18-12-2010 Brussel Belgian CAC
CACIB Best Male Best of Breed Belgian
Winner 2010 )Crufts

- 5-5-2011 FCI 100 Year Celebration
Show. Dortmund CAC CACIB Best Male and
Centenary Winner and FCI Centenary Champion!
- 7-5-2011 VDH Europe Sieger. Dortmund
1 Excelent CAC
- 21-5-2011 OZK Show Speciality
Austria.. 1 Excelent CAC.Best Male and BOB. Club winner 2011
***Austria Champion ***
- 22-5-2011 Salzburg Austria. 1
Excelent CAC CACIB
- 11-6-2011 Bled 1. Slovenia 1
Excelent CAC CACIB Best Male and BOB.Second
placement in FCI Group 9.(Toy Group)*****
- 12-6-2011 Bled 2 Slovenia 1 Excelent